In 2012, all secondary schools received a class set of the anthology Literaresch Welten. Since 2016, the CNL publishes, in collaboration with SCRIPT, didactic material accompanying this anthology.
Teachers receive this material for free as a hard copy or as a .pdf. The material includes:
- a reading of the text as an .mp3 file
- a literary analysis
- a short contextualization of the text within the school curriculum
- worksheets
- graphical representations
- master copies
- additional texts
The material is being developed as a general teaching aid without stipulating a particular course structure. The portfolio offers a wide variety of material which can be used in different ways and with different teaching methods. Teachers thus keep a high degree of autonomy.
The Centre national de littérature also organises workshops on the use of literature by Luxembourgish authors in the secondary school curriculum.
You can find the teaching material on the website of the Éducation nationale under Ressources pédagogiques – Lëtzebuerger Auteuren: http://www.education.lu/Ressources
For more information about the material or the workshops, please contact: